Dr Elsa Flint – BVSc
Find me at: Helensville & Waimauku

Elsa joined the Vets North team in a part time capacity as a Small Animal Vet and is one of the most qualified animal behaviour experts in New Zealand. She runs Animals with Attitude behaviour clinic which takes referral animal behaviour cases from Auckland and beyond.
Elsa has a MSc(Hons) in Behavioural Zoology, Bachelor of Veterinary Science (1991), Membership of the Australian & NZ College of Veterinary Scientists in animal behaviour and has recently completed a PhD in Veterinary Science (Behaviour). She also lectures Animal behaviour at a training school for Veterinary technicians and is guest lecturer at Massey University in the field of animal behaviour. She has also co-authored six books on animal care and behaviour and has published several scientific papers.
Elsa can be found at Vets North Helensville on Saturday mornings & at Vets North Huapai & Veterinary Rehab Centre during the week.